
Generations after generation stands in awe of your work; each one tells stories of your mighty acts. Psalms 145:4

Friday, July 16, 2010

Name Dropper

Have you ever been to a function or at a gathering of people, where there has been a lot of name dropping.   I have even found myself doing this from time to time, although my experience with important or famous people has been very limited and second hand, so I'm not sure if they count.  

I've told many people about our librarian in Canton, Connecticut.  She was the younger sister of Kathryn Hepburn.  I never met Kathryn, but when you were in the library and  heard Peg speaking, you could almost imagine that Kathryn was right there beyond the books in the next row.  Also, while living in  Tampa, Florida, our son played Little League baseball with a boy whose uncle was Wade Boggs of the New York Yankees.  I never had the opportunity to meet Wade even though he came to the park a few times, but that didn't seem to matter, because I knew his nephew.

Then it hit me, I do know someone who is more famous then either of the 2 people I mentioned above. His name is Jesus.  There is no other name like Jesus.  It's by His name, people are healed and saved and through Him, they can live abundant lives.  Although His life was brief here on earth,  He lived all of his days without sin.  He was condemned and hung on a cross to die.  On that cross, all the sin of the world, (past, present & future) was placed on Him.  He died but conquered death and rose from the grave after 3 days.  My paraphrase of John 3:16 is "God love all the people in the world so much, that He sent His only son to die and pay the penalty for our sin, and if we believe this, we will have everlasting life with the King of Kings."   I do know Jesus personally and each day I stand in awe at the Greatness of God.   My hope is as I share stories in this blog of who Jesus is to me and how He has changed my life, that His Name  will have an affect on others for generations to come.  

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