
Generations after generation stands in awe of your work; each one tells stories of your mighty acts. Psalms 145:4

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Drop and Give Me Ten

For the last several months, there's been a hot topic in our household.  I'm menopausal!!!  This a woman who is almost postal.  I feel like I could snap at any given moment.  My mood swings linger between Broom Hilda and the wicked witch of the West to becoming a weeping willow that could cry a river.

My thoughts remain scattered.  I'm forgetful and I am constantly losing(hopefully just misplacing) things.  Just recently, I lost the gold cross that Dan gave me for my 50th birthday.  Just thinking about it makes me very sad.

Besides all of the above, my body temperatures border on an "infernally" high temperature.  At night, we crank the air down to a cool 60+ degrees and Dan aims 3 fans on me and I still wake up on fire.

I have been trying to put in practice(sometimes I forget) a discipline that will help in any kind of trial.  It's called DROP, AND GIVE ME TEN.  It's simply dropping my eyes off me and thanking God for 10 things.  For example,
1. Thank you God for making me a woman.
2.  Thank you for Dan who bears the brunt of my moods.
3.  Thank you for air conditioning.
4.  Thank you that I've lived long enough to go into menopause
5.  Thank you that crabbiness is not my true nature.
6.  Thank you that my moods pass quickly.
7.  Thank you that our temperatures in Texas have become milder.
8.  Thank you when I say to another woman, "I'm hormonal", she nods in complete understanding.
9.  Thank you when I say to Dan, "I'm hormonal"  he responds with a hug.
10.  And most of all, thank you that I serve a mighty God who heals and will bring order to all these    renegade emotions of mine.


  1. Debbie, can't totally relate, but I do remember how I felt after Nadia was born! ANY kind of hormonal craziness is the pits! I pray it passes quickly!
